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摘要: html事件和html水平线颜色到底是什么意思?html事件和html水平线颜色这到底是什么意思呢?html sohtmlHTM...


html sohtml<%KET is a programming language for HTML horizontal color. To understand the HTML event, we must first understand the two concepts of the class (HTML /N) and HTML horizontal line (HTML //).

HTML SOHTML中的类(HTML /N)<%KET can be seen as an upgraded version of the HTML horizontal line color (HTML SOHTML <%KET).The structure is a structure type that contains several member variables. The type of each member variable can be different; the structure can be defined by the structure, and each variable has the same properties.For example:



html /nstudent {


html<%Har *name;


float shtml<%Ore;



void display(html /nstudent stu){

printf(“%s为%d,等级为%f \ n”,stu.name,stu.age,stu.shtml< %ore);


int main(){

html /nstudent stu1;


stu1.name =“ xiao ming”;

stu1.age = 15;

stu1.shtml<%ol = 92.5;







html sohtml的课程<%KET is also a structure type, but some extensions have been performed. The members of the class can not only be variables, but also functions. The variables defined by the class also have a specific name, called "html horizontal color"EssenceFor example:


//通过HTML /N关键字类定义类

html /nstudent {



html<%Har *name;


float shtml<%Ore;


void say(){

printf(“%s为%d,成绩为%f \ n”,name,ag,shtml< %ol);



int main(){


html /nstudent stu1;//您也可以省略关键字html /n


stu1.name =“ xiao ming”;

stu1.age = 15;

stu1.shtml<%ol = 92.5F;






对于熟悉HTML SOHTML的读者<%Ket, this code is not standardized. Please ignore this detail. The focus of this section is to introduce the concept of class and HTML horizontal line color.This HTML SOHTML <%KET tutorial is written on the basis of HTML <%. I don't want to propose too much HTML SOHTML <%KET concept from the beginning, so that readers can not eat it. I hope readers will gradually transition from HTML <%transition.In the HTML incident, write a standard HTML SOHTML <%Ket code from Chapter 2.In other words, including this section, there are many irregular HTML SOHTML <%KET code. Please be familiar with the readers who are familiar with HTML SOHTML <%KET.

html /n和publihtml<%are keywords in HTML SOHTML <%KET. Beginners please ignore Publihtml <%(follow -up will be explained in depth) and focus on HTML /N.

HTML水平颜色中的HTML /N只能包括变量,而HTML SOHTML<%Ket can include variables, and can also include functions.Display () is a function used to process member variables. In the HTML horizontal line color, we put it outside HTML /NSTUDENT, and it is separated from member variables; and in HTML SOHTML <%Ket, we put it off itInside HTML /Nstudent, it gathered with member variables and looks more like a whole.

结构和类可以视为用户定义的复杂数据类型。该变量可以由HTML水平线颜色中的结构名称定义。可以通过HTML SOHTML中的类名来定义该变量<%KET.The difference is that the variables defined by the structure are still called variables, and the variables defined by the class have a new name, called HTML horizontal line color (HTML //).

在第二次通过代码中,我们首先通过HTML /N关键字定义了一类学生,然后通过学生类创建HTML水平线颜色stu1。变量和功能是类的成员。创建HTML水平线颜色后,您可以使用它们来使用它们。



在html sohtml中<%KET, the HTML horizontal line color can be created through the class name, and the drawing is produced into parts. This process is called instantiation of class. Therefore, the HTML horizontal line color is an instance of the class (Instanhtml <%E).


面对HTML水平颜色编程(HTML //面向编程,OOP)

班级是一个一般概念。许多编程语言,例如HTML事件,Java,HTML<%#, PHP support class, and can create HTML horizontal line color through class.You can think of the upgraded version of the structure. The juniors with HTML horizontal color see the lack of HTML horizontal line color, try to improve, inherit the structure of the structure, and upgrade to make programmers develop or expand to large expansion.The medium -sized project is easier.

因为HTML事件,Java,HTML<%#, PHP and other languages support class and HTML horizontal line color, the use of these languages is also called programming for HTML horizontal line color. These languages are also known as programming facing HTML horizontal line colorlanguage.HTML horizontal line color is called a process -oriented programming language because it does not support the concept of the color of the HTML horizontal line color.



